A First Birthday | Celebrating the end of Lockdown | Family Photoshoot Bath UK


Emerging out of hibernation and back into client work has been so wonderful.

I’ve been meeting and photographing lots of new families recently which has been truly lovely. I am still working my way through a lot of editing but wanted to share a recent session that filled my heart right up.

It was this beautiful little baby girl’s *almost* 1st birthday and having spent most of her first year in lockdown, I could sense there was a slightly more intense feeling surrounding this huge milestone. A sort of unknown nostalgia, of a year of missed out baby classes, weigh-in clinics, mummy meet-ups and sing and sign at the library. But also a quiet and comforting knowing, that you’ve also enjoyed this precious time just the three of you, without outside influences, growing together as a solid family unit.

Here’s a a tiny snapshot of our afternoon together.

If you would love a morning or afternoon (or whole day) documented of your family do get in touch!